Worshipping Gods led to the sacrifice of animals to gain favor and power of the priests.
Donkor Nsuofirst bath ghana Gold coast Grave Yard heritageLast bath last both Slave River Slave trade slaveryslaves transAtlantic Wall of Return
Assin Manso Ancestral Slave River Park was one of the largest slave markets for gathering people to sell into slavery during the infamous trans-Atlantic slave trade. It is especially worth seeing as a prelude to viewing Cape Coast slave castle since you will be following the route taken by the ancestors of many African Americans.
It was the final link in the slavery route from northern Ghana and was known to have been the largest slave market for the merchant supplying slaves on the forts and castles on the coast.
Trans – Atlantic slave trade came about when people were needed to work on agricultural and mines since the Europeans are not suitable to the climate and not able to survive the tropical disease during the agricultural and mines work. Trans – Atlantic slave trade because, already manufactured goods (tobacco, spirits, beads, cloths, guns etc.) were taken from Europe to Africa in exchange of human beings. Then the exchanged goods (human beings) are shipped to work on plantations and mines. The merchants then return to Europe with the produce from the slave’s labor plantations (cloths, sugar, tobacco, etc.). The transport of the slaves from Africa to America forms the middle passage of the triangular trade.
Slavery developed in the American colonies in the mid-1600s due to the economy of the South depending on the cultivation of crops; the need for agricultural labor led to the establishment of slavery.
it helped bring america out of the depression because it showed farming skills.
it taught americans better farming methods, replanting trees, and building dams. This was also important because it created jobs, surplus electricity, and saved water power.
He had promised the us to stay out of war