A video game console is an electronic device that outputs a video signal or image to display a video game that can be played with a game controller.
or comfort
9. Either-or
10. False Cause
9.The argument says there are only 2 sides to the argument (you don't have to have a job to be successful, but the text implies that you do)
10. The argument says that the mayor being soft on crime caused the crime rate to increase, which doesn't necessarily have to be true.
Functional texts are the texts which include do-it-yourself and how to do instructions. It includes such as directories, menus, forms to fill and so forth. It is used by the reader in order to confirm for the next step and what is needed to do.
Therefore, of the following statements which describe a functional text is
The primary purpose is to provide information to perform a task.
It presents facts, principles, theories, and reasoning related to a subject
Most fast food contains calories from refined sugar and fats.It is also high in sodium from salt and other additives which can lead to someone to eat it more and more. Consuming more calories that human needs can cause obesity and also some health problems such as hypertension, diabetes,heart disease and even cancer.