Social Darwinism was the idea in which Europeans thought they were racially superior to other races. This encourage them to treat native Africans poorly as if they were second class. It also prompted their imperialism in the scramble for Africa.
The lithosphere or the land sphere are the plates that are surface layers of the earth. And this lithosphere is made up of Silicon and Aluminium components. The Lithosphere is divided into upper and lower parts by the thick layers of sedimentary rocks.
It constitutes of hard, rigid and outer skins of earth. On lithosphere, the entire biosphere that's the life sphere is based. There are two types of lithosphere i.e oceanic and continental the oceanic has a <u>density of 2.9 grams, and crust on land has 2.7 grams</u>.
Composition Of oceanic lithosphere is of mafic and ultramafic. The asthenosphere is a layer that forms underneath this zone and is in liquid molten forms. This also divided into three zones the upper zone, transition zone, and lower zone.
Melting of rock mass takes place in this layer as it has a depth of 2900 km and the boundary is defined by stress zone that deforms easily and has elasticity. Most of the earthquake waves and lava plums come out of this zone. It's composed of heavier metals like Iron and Aluminium, nickel, etc.
he graph of a linear equation forms a straight line, whereas the graph for a non-linear relationship is curved. ... A non-linear relationship reflects that each unit change in the x variable will not always bring about the same change in the y variable.