We have 2 denominators that we need to get rid of. Whenever there are the denominators, all we have to do is multiply all whole equation with the denominators.
Our denominators are both 2 and x+1. Therefore, we multiply the whole equation by 2(x+1)
![\frac{x}{2}[2(x+1)]-\frac{2}{x+1}[2(x+1)] = 1[2(x+1)]](https://tex.z-dn.net/?f=%5Cfrac%7Bx%7D%7B2%7D%5B2%28x%2B1%29%5D-%5Cfrac%7B2%7D%7Bx%2B1%7D%5B2%28x%2B1%29%5D%20%3D%201%5B2%28x%2B1%29%5D)
Then shorten the fractions.
![\frac{x}{2}[2(x+1)]-\frac{2}{x+1}[2(x+1)] = 1[2(x+1)]\\x(x+1)-2(2)=1(2x+2)](https://tex.z-dn.net/?f=%5Cfrac%7Bx%7D%7B2%7D%5B2%28x%2B1%29%5D-%5Cfrac%7B2%7D%7Bx%2B1%7D%5B2%28x%2B1%29%5D%20%3D%201%5B2%28x%2B1%29%5D%5C%5Cx%28x%2B1%29-2%282%29%3D1%282x%2B2%29)
Distribute in all.

We should get like this. Because the polynomial is 2-degree, I'd suggest you to move all terms to one place. Therefore, moving 2x+2 to another side and subtract.

We are almost there. All we have to do is, solving for x by factoring. (Although there are more than just factoring but factoring this polynomial is faster.)

Thus, the answer is x = 3, -2
a) (2a - b)² = (4a² - 4ab + b²)
b) (10m - n²)² = (100m² - 20mn² + n⁴)
c) (4x - 4²) = (16x² - 8x + 4⁴)


There are four kinds of rigid transformations.
1. Reflection
2. Rotation
3. Translation
4. Dilation
1. The Meaning of term reflection is when we reflect something through a line or mirror the distance of object from line of reflection on both sides are same. The two images Preimage and image are congruent.
2. Rotation means rotating an object or geometrical shape through an angle. An angle can be of any measure that is 0,30°,45°,90°,...... In rotation the two , image and preimage are congruent.
3. While in translation , we shift something from a place to another place keeping the two images,that is image and preimage are congruent.
In all three,either in reflection, rotation,or translation there is no change in shape and size, the two that is image and Preimage are congruent.
Answer: 3^5 / 3^(-2) = 3^(3)
Answer in explanation
Step-by-step explanation:
for each row, the y- coordinate of the point where the line crosses the x- axis is zero. The point where the line crosses the x- axis has the form (a,0) ; and is called the x-intercept of the line. The x- intercept occurs when y is zero. Now, let's look at the points where these lines cross the y-axis