A) island forms and mainland forms descended from common ancestors.
-Islands tend to host very distinct but limited sets or species; on a given island a spectacular collection of one related group of species would be present and thriving, but many entire families or even higher taxa would be completely absent.
-All the species on the islands and the nearest continent are closely related to one another, however, each species had a set of adaptations that suits it for a particular environment. This means that the island forms and mainland forms descended from common ancestors.
Bacteria like E coli, streptococcus
Viruses like Influenza and HIV
Parasites like malaria
Sexual repro means combining genetics from parents, while asexual repro produces an offspring from only one parent.
The cardiac muscle has intercalated disk that allows rapid transmission of the impulse. This will allow the cardiac muscle to have a coordinated way. The heart muscle has pacemaker that will spread the signal in regular time. The transmission of impulse is also controlled by a few checkpoint like the bundle of his to make the signal to the Purkinje fiber of left and right ventricle at the same time.
The nuclear envelope disappear