Cine poate completa aici in manualul de biologie cl IVDupă activitatea în decursul celor 24 de ore, deosebim organisme … şi … .
Organismele … sunt acele ce activează ziua, pe când organismele … activează noaptea. Dintre animalele … fac parte liliecii, … , iar din plantele nocturne – … . Apariţia animalelor nocturne se datorează următorilor trei factori: … , … , … .
The animals that remain active during the day are called the diurnal while animals that remain active during night are called the nocturnal.
As per the question we can distinguish organisms and plants and see their behavior during the day as well as during night. Diurnal are organisms that activate during the day, while the organisms that activate during the night are called the nocturnal. Among the animals, nocturnal animals are bats, mouse, hedgehog, etc. The appearance of the nocturnal animals is due to the following three factors :