There are a total of 535 Members of Congress. 100 serve in the U.S. Senate and 435 serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Banks make money by; A) charging interest
- Banks make their money through charging interest on the money they loan out.
- Banks get the money they loan out from the deposits their customers make and also from loans from other banks.
- It is this money that they then trade out in different ways including loaning for interests in order to make profit.
- Other that interests from loans, banks also get money through investing their capital in assets that generate revenue, one such asset is; investing in real estate.
This is a bit of a complex question for a simple yes or no. Ultimately, extravagance can become a social problem related to the wealth gap, specifically if the extravagance comes from political leaders. For example, King Louis XVI lived in great extravagance. (During his reign, he built the Versailles palace.) The poor of France absolutely saw this extravagance as a social problem, and, well, Louis and his wife's heads ended up in a basket. Hope this helps.
Correlational research is most useful for
purposes of PREDICTION.
Correlational research is a type of research wherein the researcher uses two
factors or variables and checks the relationship of the two variables. In this
type of research in order to get good results, the researcher should set at
least 30 participants in order to increase the validity of result of the