A; cold air molecules collide to generate heat energy
The puritansponge came to America to babe a fresh start with life and their new religion. Theyou thought that if they sinned against god, then you would automatically go to hell and some thought that by going to America, it was almost like a cleansing or fresh start for their new religion. Plus they didn't like the king and wanted to be independent
The Pueblo Rebellion (1680), a carefully organized revolt by the Pueblo Indians (allied with the Apaches), was able to overthrow Spanish rule in New Mexico for 12 years was the Indian uprising in New Mexico caused by Spanish efforts to suppress Indian religion.
Rebels stormed Providence, destroying churches along the way, killing priests, and slaughtering Spanish settlers. It took the Spaniards nearly half a century to retake New Mexico after this attack.
The Pueblo Indians of modern New Mexico rose up against the Spanish rule conquistadors after religious persecution, violence, and drought. The rebellion aimed to regain Pueblo's religious practices, culture, and lands that had been looted by the Spanish conquistadors.
Learn more about Spanish rules at
Latifundista: peligro por la perdida de tierra; campesino: mayores oportunidades de crecimiento.
Las reformas sociales de Eloy Alfaro buscaban favorecer el trabajo de los campesinos teniendo en cuenta los abusos que cometian los hacendados y que los perejudicaba muy fuertemente, y es la situacion en donde por las grandes extensiones de tierra tienen la capacidad de cultivar una cantidad considerable de productos que luego son vendidos en el mercado y se genera un acaparamiento que no permite que los campesinos vendan sus mercancias a un precio justo.
En esta situacion los latifundistas pudieron experimentar un miedo representado en las politivas de Alfaro, debido a que consideraron que podian perder sus tierras por el apoyo que tenia esta iniciativa en los campesinos. Estos ultimos seguramente se sintieron seguros de que por fin iban a tener la posibilidad de vender sus productos en el mercado y que las tierras no utilizadas por los latifundistas podrian usarlas para incrementar su produccion.
It states that certain factors in the workplace carry a positive influence on job satisfaction, while another group of factors have a negative impact, all of which are independent of one another. Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory is also known as the dual-factor theory.