If I could be any character I would choose to be Luke Skywalker from Star Wars. I would choose Luke because he is the only hope of the people, he is the chance to change everything. Luke’s soul purpose is to help his dad become the good person he used to be. Throughout Luke’s journey he loses faith because just when he’s right there he loses everything. Throughout the movies Luke feels like he might turn to the dark side of the force. Luke feels as if he should just give up and go back to his old life. Although Luke has all these feelings he never decided to give up. Luke had his hand cut off by his own father he even dueled his own father. Risking his life just for his dad to be good again. Luke was a true hero and that’s something I hope to be one day.
Let me know if this needs any changes or if you need more help
i would want to be Ponyboy from The outsiders because the changes he goes through is maturity.he is convinced that his older brother darry hates him and he favors the middle child sodapop,at first he refuses to listen, but after he runs away with his friend johnny, he starts to mature and understand,after his buddy johnny dies,ponyboy has a hard time accepting it and beliveing that he was dead, but in the end he realizes that even if they dont come from much, he should appreciate the things he has and the family that has always been there for him. and i hope that one day i could mature and realize that too.
(i dont know if it could be any book, but you dont have to use this)
The Hiding Place study guide contains a biography of Corrie ten Boom, John Sherrill and Elizabeth Sherrill, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analy