On the 30th of December which equates to 0.065 billion years ago
The cosmic calendar was made popular by a famous astronomer named Carl Sagan. His aim was to help people to better understand when a particular prehistoric event in the universe occurred when compared to another prehistoric event.
He achieved the aim by chronologically arranging the 13.8 billion years of the universe age into one year. According to such arrangement, the Big Bang occurred on the 1st of January (13.8 billion years ago) while Dinosaurs went into extinction on the 30th of December (0.065 billion years ago).
Following their extinction, the age of primates began on the 31st of December (Just 40 million years ago). You can see that Carl Sagan's visualization puts the beginning of primates (which men evolved from) immediately after the extinction of Dinosaurs and very far away from the Big Bang that signifies the creation of the universe.
Truthfully speaking there is none. There are plenty of "underprivileged"
people who have risen to success based on their determination. Everyone
has equal access to information because information is free. The only
reason someone would commit a crime is if they were brought up into
believing that that was what was expected of them from society due to
their geographical location, income, color, religion, etc. Those who are
determined to push past the narrative prove that "unequal access to
basic services" and crime are not directly related. Anyone who tells you
otherwise wishes you to remain a slave to the system because they
believe that being poor is where you belong and where you should stay.
In the following circumstances, it indicates that she is
psychologically dependent on the drug that she has been consumed regularly.
Psychological dependence arises in an individual when the person is dependent
on a particular thing and it involves an emotional motivation, having to stop
with a particular thing that he or she is already dependent on or used to would
likely cause a person to feel uneasy or to feel dissatisfied, and because of
it, the person would likely go on with the particular thing and continue to
engage in such behavior for the person feels that the particular thing is
needed and without it, he or she will feel uneasy. It is related in the given
scenario above as the person does not seem to stop and takes it regularly the
same dosage as she begun because she already exhibits psychological dependence.
Over 1.5 million people have jobs. Mining is one of the best forms of employment for non-college educated workers in the civilized world.
If the food is enough for 22 passengers I will consider distributing it equally.
Since the four injured will die in a week I would prefer all share the food.