Credible would be
Someone who's credible is honest and believable. ... Similar to words like reliable and plausible, credible is an adjective that comes to us from the Latin credibilis, meaning “worthy to be believed.” A credible reputation is often earned through consistent good behavior and an overall trustworthy personality.
Option 1 is not correct because the quote is no longer Mr. Cliff's wording. The last choice is also not correct because () should only be used if you need to make a letter capital or change the verb tense for the quote to make sense. [Brackets] are used when including clarifying information in quotations, and [high school students] is clarifying who "They" are. Answer B is correct.
Technology is helping people to ease on some hard work like welding but technology is disadvantageous like it has lead some people to forget that lord is the creator making them believe in technology
Lots of music artist now a days use sonnets even some rappers such as NF use sonnets.