You can either convert -3 into a fraction, or convert -2/5 into a decimal so you can solve this.
If you decide to convert -3, into a fraction, it would be -3/1, and you'd have to multiply that by the reciprocal of -2/5.
So, you'd have -3/1(-5/2)=15/2, which can be simplified to 7 1/2.
If you decide to convert -2/5 into a decimal, you would get -0.4. You would then divide -3 by -0.4, which is equal to 7.5.
Both 7.5 and 7 1/2 are correct answers, and if you were to convert 7.5 into a fraction and 7 1/2 into a decimal, you would notice that they are the same number, but in different forms.
Step-by-step explanation:
The area of a rhombus is: A=d1×d2/2, where d1 and d2 are its diagonals.
A) Perimeter of Trapezium = 8+5+6+15.5
= 34.5in
Area= 1/2*(a+b)*h
B)Perimeter= 12+6+8.5
You are correct, it is C.
30/5 is 6, so c/3 is 6, and c is 6x3, so c is 18.