1: doodle collapses and dies
2: im going to go with the one about pride
Correct answer: D) A massacre of over 300 Sioux, including women and children.
The massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890 was a sad, final chapter in the United States long history of wars against Native American peoples on the North American continent. The death toll at Wounded Knee is debated by historians, but was at least 150 and many think the total was at least double that amount (so, 300 or more). According to the History Channel, nearly half of those killed were women and children. The killing was carried out by the 7th Cavalry of the US Army, which lost only 25 men in the encounter.
The resolutions requested President James K. Polk to provide Congress with the exact location (the "spot") upon which blood was spilled on American soil, as Polk had claimed in 1846 when asking Congress to declare war on Mexico.
When the first two political parties developed, the issue that divided them most clearly was how "large" the federal government should be, with the Federalists wanting a strong federal government over the states, and the Anti-Federalists wanting a relatively "weak" federal government.
Peter the Great was determined to reform the domestic structure of Russia. He had a simple desire to push Russia – willingly or otherwise – into the modern era as existed then. While his military reforms were ongoing, he reformed the church, education and areas of Russia's economy.