TIFF file is not audio format file rather it is graphic container that stores raster images.
Gain can add all other audio files (MIDI, MP3, Windows media audio file) to his presentation.
What are MIDI, MP3 and WMA :
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is a protocol that is designed for recording and playback music on digital synthesizers that is supported by many computer sound cards. Gian can add MIDI audio format file in his presentation.
This audio file format technology compress a sound technology into very small file while preserving the original quality of sound when it is played. Gian can add this audio format in presentation to play audio in presentation.
This audio format is developed by Microsoft. It contains a series of audio codecs and their corresponding audio formats.
Gian can add WMA extension audio file to his presentation to play audio.
Computers in the office environment significantly enhance productivity. According to the Reference for Business Web site, computers in the office increase productivity not only in areas such as word processing, data management and information access, but also in information creation, collation and ultimately storage. The amount of time most office workers spend at the computer has, however, given rise to a number of repetitive strain health problems on eyes, wrists and hands
hope it helps (^^)
# Cary on learning
Push notification services.
Push notification services can be used to deliver important messages on mobile devices in an efficient and timely manner. The different mobile platforms such as android, iOS have their services which makes it easy for Jabez to send the messages to users with a specific brand and type of mobile device. The messages will pop up on the mobile device of the user, whether the app or the website associated with notifications is running or not.
b. Any metadata that an online tool produces (for example, data about a student’s usage of a tool, or how much time it took them to take an assessment or look at a video) is not protected if it is not tied to any identifying information.
The content form educational tools that are online that is not protected under FERPA(Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) is any metadata that is produced by the online tool.That metadata can contain data about student's usage of a tool etc.
FERPA governs the access educational information and records by public entities.