It depends on which version you watch/read. The two movies I have are by two different people, and in one, she screams AND eats cake. in the other, she screams and talks to herself.
Since ad hominem arguments are "against the man" rather than the stance, our best answer choice is A. It presents an comment about the person holding the stance, rather than the stance itself.
Everyone probably doesn’t feel the same way as I do, but perhaps they should. While being in nature leads to better health, creativity, and even kindness, there may be something special about being among trees.
After all, trees are important to our lives in many ways. The most obvious is their role in producing the oxygen we breathe and sequestering carbon dioxide to help protect our atmosphere; but science suggests trees provide other important benefits, too.
Here are some of the more provocative findings from recent research on how trees increase human well-being.
Trees help us feel less stressed and more restored
Probably the most well-researched benefit of nature exposure is that it seems to help decrease our stress, rumination, and anxiety. And much of that research has been conducted in forests.
In one recent study, 585 young adult Japanese participants reported on their moods after walking for 15 minutes, either in an urban setting or in a forest. The forests and urban centers were in 52 different locations around the country, and about a dozen participants walked in each area. In all cases, the participants walking in a forest experienced less anxiety, hostility, fatigue, confusion, and depressive symptoms, and more vigor, compared to walking in an urban setting. The results were even stronger for people who were more anxious to begin with.
He concluded with a PANEGYRIC on modern chemistry.
Panegyric is defined as a public speech or text that praises someone or something. It is similar to eulogy but unlike eulogy, the recipient of the praise is not limited to a person. As is the case of the above sentence, the subject of the praise was modern chemistry. Because of modern chemistry, Frankenstein was given life.