In Egyptian culture, Temples performed a substantial role. Temples were the center of all spiritual devotion and tradition in most areas.
Egyptians stupas are some of the most reliable references of knowledge for historians. The everyday endurance of the people, what they dressed, what they consumed and the cultural class system has all been apprehended in the sort of arts and abilities.
The Egyptian temples consisted of ministers and images, and were employed for the honor of gods, the inauguration of the pharaohs, and were at the heart of a town's cultural life.
Saturday evening post.
Known for its Norman Rockwell covers, the "Saturday Evening Post" was a staple of modern American life throughout the 1950s. It was the first magazine to reach 1 million copies sold.
the hanging and beheading of a stamp commissioner in effigy
The Sons of Liberty were a group of dissidents of the North American British Colonies during the early American Revolution days in Boston. When the group first formed they were known as the Loyal Nine and consisted of shopkeepers and artisans. Their name “Sons of Liberty” came after the debate over the Stamp Act in February 1765.
In August 1765 the Sons of Liberty gathered under the “Liberty Tree” where were located effigies of Andrew Oliver the public official in charge of enforcing the Stamp Act and others. They removed the effigies, stomped-on it, beheaded and burned it in a fit of anger.
1. The Consistution
2. Legislative, Executive, Judicial
3. I think the judicial branch is most important because it does not matter if new laws are made or being enforced if the current laws are not fair for the people.
4. I would want to work for the executive branch because you just have to make sure citizens are doing what they are supposed to.
In politics, the opposition comprises one or more political parties or other organized groups that are opposed, primarily ideologically, to the government (or, in American English, the administration), party or group in political control of a city, region, state, country or other political body.