GMT is -5 hours ahead of us during Daylight Savings Time and -6 hours during standard time.
So if it is 12PM in Greenwich then it would be 5 hours earlier or 7am in Dallas.
Answer: The Paleolithic era is characterized by nomadic herding and hunting.
Muller v. Oregon, one of the most important U.S. Supreme Court cases of the Progressive Era, upheld an Oregon law limiting the workday for female wage earners to ten hours. The case established a precedent in 1908 to expand the reach of state activity into the realm of protective labor legislation.
A supreme court case decided in 1908 that pertained to the working hours of women. The court ruled in favor of Oregon, that these restrictions were legal under the state laws to protect women's health.
The Harding administration responded to growing public fears of communists and anarchists by empowering the Justice Department to take broad measures to arrest and deport radicals.