It indicates a hills or a mountain, the smaller loop being the higher elevations and the latger hoops being down hill. Hope this helps!
Postharvest physiology plays a fundamental role in extending the shelf-life and quality of plant products. An example of postharvest physiology methodologies is by reducing the temperature to improve shelf-life before consumption
Postharvest physiology refers to the methodologies used for extending shelf-life and quality, thus being a critical issue in food systems. Postharvest approaches include chemical treatments, temperature reduction, cleaning and disinfection methods, etc. Crop varieties are genetically selected in order to maintain nutritional qualities of stored seeds for a long time after harvest. These seeds are also controlled during storage by using postharvest handling practices (e.g., chemical and enzyme inhibitors that extend shelf life).
That would be geographical information systems (aka GIS).
Living components in a river ecosystem would include all plants, all animals, all microorganisms. Every fish species, every arthropod species, every reptile and amphibian species, all the birds, etc.