checks and balances. I believe that is what you want
counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is regulated, typically those ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of individuals or groups.
Long-term v. short-term presidency: Some wanted lifelong terms down to two year terms--there were concerns of chaotic changes not allowing for stability and the states' rights side (Anti-Federalists) wanted the ability to change power often.
There were also discussions regarding qualifications and powers of the president. Most of the disagreements were decided by compromise leading to the government that is created out of the Constitutional Convention.
Economic growth depended upon the continued expansion of the empire.
I think the answer is "because they did not share the same views" but, if you give me some answer choices I should be able to answer more to your liking.
Different victors wanted different things, so they couldn't ALL have everything they wanted. Britain and France did NOT want a League of Nations, but Wilson insisted on little else. Clemenceau wanted crippling reparations, Wilson and Lloyd George didn't
Federalism is a mixed form of government in which power is shared, ideally equally, between a central (federal) government and region (state) governments.
Federalism generally reduced the rights of the states, since they became actors within a federal system and limited in their powers, rather than operating as their own distinct entities.