If you did, I would say that this is no longer a democratic society. If you can’t vote, it’s either a dictatorship or anarchy. BUT if you needed an answer I would say that it couldn’t...
1) elect a president
2) Make fair laws
The reason for society is that citizens get safety and security and leaders get the power to make laws in which citizens follow, creating a fair balance. Now, in a society where fair laws can not be put in place, how can leaders keep citizens safe and secure? How can they hold up their end of the bargain? They can’t. This isn’t even a society.
It seems as though as long as USA interests are left alone, nothing much would be done. Or if foreign involvement is bothering US interest then action will be taken as a last resort.
Plessy v. Ferguson, was a court case decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation laws for public facilities as the segregated facilities were equal in quality.