According to science, yes – happiness, indeed, has a heritable component. It’s a finding that is surprising and not surprising at the same time. It's surprising because of our culturally-sanctioned convictions that with our choices, thoughts, and behavior, we have the final say on how well we function in our lives, not our circumstances. But it's also not surprising because if our genes play a part in shaping who we are in the world, they will also have a say in how we pursue and find happiness. People might inherit genes that put them in advantageous or less favorable positions. Depression is genetic...
D) Applying an equal force at a location farther away from the rock.
<em>In this theory, emotion depends on physiological arousal and cognitive processing.</em>
The two-factor theory of emotion states that emotion is based on two primary factors: physiological arousal and a cognitive label. The theory states that when an emotion is felt a physiological arousal occurs and the person uses the immediate environment to search for emotional cues to label the physiological arousal.
Intelligence can actually be affected by both environmental and genetic influences.
Depending on the research you find, it could vary. Explain to them that while watching TV is not an "evil" thing, it can have some affects in the youth. Tell them how it can affect the behavior with friends, family and other people whom are around them. In addition you could even as far as mentioning academic success and failure.