The answer is : no, if the safety of being insured was worth more to her than the monetary cost of the premium
For example, A soccer athlete paid insurance premium for $100,000 a year while he get an annual salary of $15,000,000 a year
if the clause was met, he'll get $ 20,000,000 from the insurance claim.
In this case, it more beneficial if the athlete still kept his leg because he can easily get more than $ 20,000,000 by two years of working
hope this helps
The special operator used to check whether an attribute value is within a range of values is in(between).
The definition of an operator is the person who controls the machine or the manager or owner of the company. An example of an operator is a person who controls a switchboard. An example of an operator is someone who controls a crane at a loading dock.
DEFINITION: Business operators are the primary force driving the teams working towards the realization of the organization's vision. This may be a dedicated team of contractors, but is usually a mix of contractors and employees.
Learn more about operators here
Wants: concert tickets, dinner at expensive restaurant, and vacation trip
Needs: clothes for school or work, gasoline for the car, and computer for school or work
Native Americans had a very different culture than Europeans so Europeans tried to make them do their culture because to them they were CRAZY. so they tried to teach them theyre way of life like religion, way of cooking, dressing, and marriage.