Economic and global power.
As with all colonies in the colonial period of history, they were sources of both cheap raw materials and outlets for the (expensive) finished products. They also provide a physical extension of the military and political power of the colonizing nations.
The Age of Reason and Enlightenment started off in the eighteenth century. This period has its root in France, thus giving it an alternate name of French Enlightenment. Even though this Age is said to have been started in the 1700s, the causes behind it started as long as two to three centuries before it. The dictatorship of the Church was the key reason behind the rebellion of the people.
Thats just an opinión though.
Japan issued the 21 demands in January 1915 in an attempt to take colonial control of China. The 21 Demands were made by Japan to China on 18th of January in the year 1915. They were actually made by Japan to consolidate their hold on colonial China. Along with the demand, Japan also attached an ultimatum.
October 9, 2012 , sentences sometimes don't start with and