Answer: Harriet Tubman was a black abolitionist who helped in the underground railroad to free slaves out of bondage.
The Biden administration wants to put her on the $20 bill.
do i agree with that? yes, especially because Andrew Jackson is on the $20 bill, even though he said himself that he is against paper currency. Harriet Tubman is a person who should be honored for what she's done, she deserves to be on the $20 bill.
The Draw to the West: Miners were drawn to the West in 1859 because they found gold and silver in western Nevada. This became known as the Comstock Lode which was named after Henry Comstock. ... The companies were digging bigger and deeper mines causing the miners' work to become more dangerous.
People were more inspired by the so-called "American Dream" and the American ideals of life.
Could create their own Miranda warning if it communicated the same message.