It's nuanced, I partially agree
I agree it contributed to the pan-Arab and Arabic nationalist movement but I disagree that it increased the influence of the colonial powers.
Walmart has an mass production of household appliance
Hitler made a major mistake by making all military decisions by himself, without taking advice. His decision to invade the Soviet Union was a complete failure because Germany was not prepared and they had misjudged the Soviet Union’s defensive power.
they ate were edible plants (ex. wild berries) and meat from animals they hunted that they collected. Many tribes also grew “The Three Sisters”—corn, beans, and squashes.
Writing based on optimism of the reform era
The optimism of the reform era is a period of time when a lot more american citizens started to adopt a progressive way of thinking, which put a heavier emphasis on human right and the general wellness of the people.
This era was catalyzed by the establishment of slavery in 1865. Many books published in this period started to highlight the importance of equal rights for all human regardless of race, gender, social status, or religion
It started to gradually destroyed american way of thinking that a certain group of people was superior to another and promote the idea that no group should be given a special treatment over another group.