Answer: H: ¨We can both <u>accomplish</u> invading Poland,¨ he spoke, irritably. ¨And I will be <u>demolishing everything </u>that stands in my way.¨ Stalin smirked, speaking, ¨You may be able to demolish the Jewish race, but you're very impatient.¨ There was a silent pause filling the air. ¨If anything, I'd be the one <u>enabling </u>you to do so.¨ Hitler glared at the Russian, scoffing. ¨Are you <u>underestimating</u> my power?¨ He hissed, his spiteful smile becoming a frown. ¨You're <u>unadvisable</u>, and you know it, Hitler. You cannot change that.¨ Stalin spoke, crossing his arms, seemingly satisfied with himself. ¨Well, eventually, you'll be the <u>Ex-president</u> to begin with, <em>Stalin.</em>¨ He gave no response, besides holding eye-contact. ¨The Jews..¨ Stalin mumbled, remaining cold. ¨They're <u>emaciated</u>. It´s not my decision, but, you need to cut down.¨ Hitler avoided eye contact. ¨Quit being <u>Exigent,</u> Stalin. It is my country.¨ He didn't care to listen to Hitler, though. ¨Wherever we both end up, <em>don´t</em> break the pact.¨ Hitler slightly tilted his hat down, the shadow from the rim shading his smirk.
The two historic figures are Adolf Hitler, and Joseph Stalin.