Write a C program to check whether a number is even or odd using if else. How to check whether a number is even or odd using if else in C program. C Program to input a number from user and check whether the given number is even or odd. Logic to check even and odd number using if...else in C programming.
B and D.
An individual working as a network administrator is responsible for a variety of different tasks which can include the design of the network itself, security for the network, and identifying and fixing issues. This is done in order to keep the computer network up-to-date and functioning as intended within the company or organization.
Towers and satellite.
Electromagnetic waves is a propagating medium used in all communications device to transmit data (messages) from the device of the sender to the device of the receiver.
Generally, the most commonly used electromagnetic wave technology in telecommunications is radio waves.
Radio waves can be defined as an electromagnetic wave that has its frequency ranging from 30 GHz to 300 GHz and its wavelength between 1mm and 3000m. Therefore, radio waves are a series of repetitive valleys and peaks that are typically characterized of having the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Basically, as a result of radio waves having long wavelengths, they are mainly used in long-distance communications such as the carriage and transmission of data.
The distance from one peak to the next peak is called wavelength. This distance is also equal to the distance from one trough of a wave to another.
Also, microwave is a form of radio waves which typically has short wavelengths and frequency ranging from 300 MHz and 300 GHz.
Hence, microwave transmits information between network nodes using towers and satellite.
i believe the answer yes because the author wants the audience sympathetic attention.