The new party that formed was called the Constitutional Union Party. It was made out of former Whig members who teamed up with the know-nothing party former members in order to make a new party that would only look to the constitution as the only law that is important for the United States.
Washington D.C., Became the Capital. Where are the White House, the Capitol, and the Washington Monument? Just where they should be--in the capital of the United States. On July 16, 1790, Congress declared the city of Washington in the District of Columbia, the permanent capital of the United States.
D. He gained control of Kiev.
After Rurik died, his relative Oleg of Novgorod, also known as Oleg Veshchy gained control of Kiev. The Kievan Rus was captured by Oleg and renamed Keiv. Oleg was able to seize power in Kiev from Askold in 882 and moved the capital from Novgorod to Kiev.