During the 19th century, Prince Klemens Von Metternich was one of the most hated man in Austria-Hungary and the one responsible for the 1848 Revolution. The words of Prince Metternich meant that the idea of change and reform had already been planted by the French Revolution and it was a matter of time for a new revolution to sprout.
There exist factors endogenous to all modern Arab monarchical regimes to which we can attribute their resilience in the face of the Arab Spring. The first and perhaps the most important of these in the context of the Arab Spring is that all of the eight monarchies existing today are able to foster a degree of legitimacy in their governance that presidents cannot attest to, deeming the overthrow of the monarchy in the name of democratization a more formidable task that is less imaginable by their people. Furthermore, varying structural factors of the regimes also play a significant role in their resilience. In general, the survival of monarchical regimes is contingent on their institutional flexibility in attentive management of the regime’s coalition of supporters and society at large. The eight modern Arab monarchies vary, however, in their relationship between the regime coalition and society, leading to varying survival strategies.
The greatest secular advantage that this model presents is the reduction of socioeconomic inequality.
Winthrop's vision of building a "united ... as one man" society was developed to be applied within a religious community, where everyone helps each other and promotes the equal distribution of resources, opportunities and privileges. In this way all members of this community are equal, not only before the law, or before God, but before society as well.
This concept would be very important in secular communities, because it allows the elimination of socioeconomic inequalities that slaughter certain individuals to the detriment of the growth of others. With this form, all individuals would have the same resources and the same quality of life that would be satisfactory and good.
role played by women in south Africa against the violation of human rights from the 1950sto1960s