An Icon is an image or photo people or businesses use to represent either their products or for fun
Qin Shi Huang, decided that he wanted a single giant wall to protect his northern borders.
<span>It had negative effects on some Africans. A lot of Africans actually.
It completely screwed up Africa for everyone.
And firearms being sold to "cooperative" Africans? That's a big a** lie.
What whitewashed bulls*** is your school feeding you?
<span>Installment plans helped the American economy to grow during the 1920’s. As more modern appliances were being produced, installment plans helped people who were not rich to be able to purchase these items. Because the middle class was able to purchase these items, demand was high which created more jobs for people in factories and more opportunities for companies to grow.</span>
True to some extent
the act killed the act of giving rebates to specific companies and those who received or gave rebates were subject to heavy fines which implied that this act was curtailed meaning that competition was encouraged.