1) Find the object of the preposition.
2) Ask yourself which other word in the sentence is related to this noun or pronoun by the preposition.
It can build trust or ruin trust.
If you were to just keep your grades up or never lie to your parents or keep your room clean or never have an attitude and just listen then those things could go far and would so much trust and respect in a relationship. That was just an example.
Diction is word/phrase choice in a writing, and jargon is a set of terms that are used within a specialized group--for example, legal terms used within a law office would be considered jargon. not everyone knows what a docket is, or what it means to be subpoenaed. diction is simply the words a writer chooses when crafting a work.
they're similar in the way that they're both parts of language and they're both rhetorical strategies. jargon can make a person seem more professional, as they use the specialized language of their skill, and that ties into diction because specialized word choice can have a great effect on people.
Patriarchy is a social system in which men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership