what does brain injury have to do with English
People reward others who are eager to put in the effort to complete all chores in order to attain success in their lives, therefore hard work must be recognized. A person who works hard enough has the discipline, dedication, and determination to accomplish his goals. It pays off by getting the things we accomplish in the end, all that you dreamed of achieving.
Once, in a time we no longer can remember, lingering in the woods of a forest there were headless ghosts. They would only come out at night time to haunt those teenagers that were out too late. Once captured by these ghosts the teenagers were then transformed by these ghosts and turned into one of them. Legend has it that after the transformation was complete they would then disguise them as normal looking humans. They would go about their day until nightfall that's when the teenagers, not headless ghosts disguise, would eat children to give them energy and power to repeat thee cycle every night until the whole human population is gone.