Conservadurismo es el nombre que se le da a las políticas políticas que enfatizan el valor de las tradiciones y costumbres y el progreso gradual en lugar de la revolución. Lo que se considera tradicional difiere de una sociedad a otra, por lo que las políticas conservadoras adoptan formas muy diferentes de un país a otro. Los conservadores de un país también pueden discutir sobre los valores básicos que deben mantenerse. Algunos conservadores quieren mantener el status quo mientras que otros buscan restaurar el status quo ante.
Gulliver has come to love the Houyhnhnms, their society, and their way of living
Henry's motive behind the annulment was his need for an heir to the throne.
anthropology the study of the human race
artifacts objects made by humans that are unearthed by archaeologists
chronological order an arrangement of events in the order in which the events took place
contemporary concerning the present time
geology the study of the earth, especially its rock forms
method an orderly procedure or process; the regular manner of doing anything
prehistory time prior to the use of written records
scientific method the processes and procedures by which we acquire information
seriation the procedure of developing a chronology of arranging remains at a site that produces a consistent pattern of development
stratigraphy the branch of geology that studies the various layers of rock and soil