The govenor-general
The representative of the Queen in the commonwealth is called the governor-general. The governor-general is appointed to represent the monarch of a sovereign state in the governing of an independent realm.
The governor-general takes an oath of allegiance to the monarch and exercises reserved powers of the monarch on behalf of the sovereign independent realm. The governor-general is also present at diplomatic functions and ceremonial events and performs all national regal activities. The governor-general is usually a distinguished individual with a record of public service.
Other commonwealth countries with a governor-general include; Jamaica, Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Solomon Islands, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis.
Organized government
An Organized government would most likely be classified as a regional government organization.
There were both economic and political issues involved in the decision of Southern states to secede. The Supreme court’s decision in Dred Scott’s case spread the detonants starting in the strengthened Northern opposition to slavery, the internal divisions of Democratic Party and the reinforcement of the Republican Party which won elections with Lincoln leading them. Southern states gave their own interpretation to the supreme court’s decision and gave passage to the Kansas-Nebraska act, permitting every state to accept slavery or not . An important economic consequence was the beginning of the “Panic of 1857” crisis which started with railroads and big Northern bank collapses due to uncertainly slavery policies.
During the Dark Ages of Greece, the significant old settlements were surrendered with the remarkable particular case of Athens, and the population dropped drastically in numbers. Later in the Dark Ages somewhere in the range of 950 and 750 BCE), Greeks relearned how to compose by and by, yet this time as opposed to utilizing the Linear B content used by the Mycenaean’s, they embraced the letter set used by the Phoenicians "enhancing in a principal path by presenting vowels as letters.
395 AD
the barbarian invasions are garded as external factors that led to the fall of the Roman empire.