The alternative that should be chosen assuming identical replacement is:
Alternative B.
a) Data and Calculations:
First Cost $5,000 $9,200
Uniform Annual Benefit $1,750 $1,850
Useful life, in years 4 8
Rate of return 7% 7%
Annuity factor 3.387 5.971
Present value of annuity $5,927.25 $11,046.35
Net cash flow $927.25 $1,846.35
b) Alternative B yields a higher return than Alternative A. Since the two alternatives are based on the same rate of return, Alternative B will bring in a higher annual benefit, even when discounted to the present value.
Based on his perception of the differences in the shades,
this can be attributed to the wavelengths of light reflecting from the shades.
Wavelength in physics is being defined as measuring the direction in regards of
the propagation of a wave in which are in between a two successive points in
the wave that are being characterized by its same phase.
Statistics educators often talk about their desired learning goals for students, and invariably, refer to outcomes such as being statistically literate, thinking statistically, and using good statistical reasoning. Despite the frequent reference to these outcomes and terms, there have been no agreed upon definitions or distinctions. Therefore, the following definitions were proposed by Garfield (2005 and have been elaborated in Garfield and Ben-Zvi (2008).
Statistical literacy is regarded as a key ability expected of citizens in information-laden societies, and is often touted as an expected outcome of schooling and as a necessary component of adults’ numeracy and literacy. Statistical literacy involves understanding and using the basic language and tools of statistics: knowing what basic statistical terms mean, understanding the use of simple statistical symbols, and recognizing and being able to interpret different representations of data (Garfield 1999; Rumsey 2002; Snell 1999)