In the first chapter we establish how this civilization functions. The boys shot down over the
tropical island where the novel takes place, so you may visualize this island, whatever you feel like picturing there, it doesn't just have to be the thing written. I would for example imagine the smell of the sea. The boys are between civilization and savagery here and that is the main conflict in the novel.
This would not be considered an effective analogy because the two topics being discussed do not have any similarities.
( ) = prepositional phrase
{ } = object of preposition
1. ( in {Oregon}, ) it can be quite rainy ( along the {coast}. )
2. Everyone (from the {city} and {suburbs}) should vacation (in the {countryside}) (during the summer {months}.)
3. I have never seen a wild bear outside.
This sentence does not contain any prepositional phrases, regardless of the word, "outside," because nothing comes after it. For example, if said, "outside of Kentucky," then it'd be a prepositional phrase, Kentucky being the object of preposition.
4. Johnson ran (over the {hill}) (near the grocery {store}) (on his {way}) (to {school.})
Answer: B is your answer.. I know it can never be the last two.