A combination of supernatural forces, a manipulative wife, three scheming witches and Duncan's decision to announce his son future king are all influencing factors in Macbeth's ultimate decision to murder King Duncan.
The patient did not grasp the severity of his condition.
They excerpt shows details because it over describes the situation that he is in
Hamartia of Oedipus is not overcome and the hubris he commits calls his downfall.
The Hamartia, or the fatal flaw is the one flaw of a good protagonist in a tragedy that brings them down and makes their downfall possible.
This characteristic of Hamartia with Oedipus is his will to control. He believes he can control his fate when he really has no way to do so and falls victim to his own machinations.
The Hubris of a character is when the overstep their limits and challenge the will of Gods. In a bid to change his fate Oedipus does just that and in that way he makes the fate only possible.