Natural systems are already in place while man made systems were created by humans manipulating things in some way.
man made: human created
natural systems: existed without interference
def recursive_func():
x = input("Are we there yet?")
if x.casefold() == 'Yes'.casefold():
We define the required function as recursive_func().
The first line takes user input. The user input is stored in variable x.
The next line compares the user input to a string yes. The function executes the else block if the condition isn't met, that is a recursive call is executed.
IF condition returns the function. The string in variable X is compared to a string 'Yes'. the casefold() is a string function that ignores the upper/lower cases when comparing two strings. (This is important because a string 'yes' is not the same yes a string 'Yes' or 'YES'. Two equal strings means their cases and length should match).
- import java.util.Scanner;
- public class num8 {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- int first, second, third, fourth,total;
- double decimalOne, decimalTwo, decimalTotal;
- }
- public static void getData(int first, int second, int third, int fourth, double decimalOne, double decimalTwo){
- System.out.println("Enter the Values");
- Scanner in = new Scanner(;
- first=in.nextInt();
- second=in.nextInt();
- third=in.nextInt();
- fourth=in.nextInt();
- decimalOne = in.nextDouble();
- decimalTwo = in.nextDouble();
- }
- public static int computeTotal(int first, int second, int third){
- return first+second+third;
- }
- public static int computeTotal(int first, int second, int third, int fourth){
- return first+second+third+fourth;
- }
- public static double computeTotal(double decimalOne, double decimalTwo){
- return decimalOne+decimalTwo;
- }
- public static void printAll( int first, int second, int third){
- System.out.println("Number one, two and three are: "+first+" "+second+" "+third);
- }
- public static void printAll( int first, int second, int third, int fourth){
- System.out.println("Number one, two and three and four are: "+first+" "+second+
- " "+third+" "+fourth);
- }
- public static void printAll( int first, int second, int third, int fourth, int fifth){
- System.out.println("Number one, two and three and four are: "+first+" "+second+
- " "+third+" "+fourth+" "+fifth);
- }
- public static void printAll( double first, double second, double third){
- System.out.println("Number one, two and three and four are: "+first+" "+second+
- " "+third);
- }
- }
This solution is provided in Java:
All the variable declarations are done in the main method (lines 3-6)
Eight methods as specified in the question are created (Lines 7, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 33 and 37).
Observe the concept of Method Overloading (i.e. methods with same name and return types but different parameter list)