There are many types of information al references such as Encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesaurus Almanacs, atlases, thesauruses, Atlases, almanacs, and encyclopedias.
There are also informational websites. The way to find this is to look at the website url to see if it ends in .gov, .edu, and .org . But make sure you cite your source so you don't plagiarize.
If you don't have any questions feel free to ask in the comments.
<span>Not a valid IPv6 address
A valid IPv6 address consist of 8 groups of 4 hexadecimal numbers separated by colons ":". But that can make for a rather long address of 39 characters. So you're allowed to abbreviate an IPv6 address by getting rid of superfluous zeros. The superfluous zeros are leading zeros in each group of 4 digits, but you have to leave at least one digit in each group. The final elimination of 1 or more groups of all zeros is to use a double colon "::" to replace one or more groups of all zeros. But you can only do that once. Otherwise, it results in an ambiguous IP address. For the example of 2001:1d5::30a::1, there are two such omissions, meaning that the address can be any of
And since you can't determine which it is, it's not a valid IP address.</span>
Scanner can be used to read tokens from the console window (user input)
Scanner is a class used in some programming languages to obtain inputs from users.
It is mostly well developed in Java programming language and used exclusively for taking and obtaining inputs.
Scanner takes input in primitive types such as doubles, floats and integers. IT also takes string inputs.
Here is a code snippet where the class scanner is used:
Scanner input = new Scanner (
The code above creates an object of the scanner class
EGC . medical research science
This is a program that go to various website to read their pages and content provided in order to form entries for a search engine index.All search engines have this program called spider or a bot. It acts as an automated script that browses through the internet to scan the web pages and find words contained in the pages and where the words are used.