The writers of the constitution wanted a new plan of government because they felt the old plan gave too much power to the states and allowed too much democracy. They fixed these problems in the document that we now call the Constitution
Global warming. If the center of our earth weren't warming continuously or weren't as active, we would have as much global warming.
China's geographic features allow for many advantages and disadvantages. To begin, the advantages of China's isolation are: protection from enemies, protection from linguistical changes, being secured and safe from monsoons. With isolation, it would be rare for enemies to reach their territories, allowing for a peaceful community to commence and thrive. Meanwhile, while keeping isolation, their language is safe and unchanged by foreigners, so it remains cultural to the Chinese people and decreases the chances of language death early on. Lastly, with them being isolated, they have a less of a chance of being impacted by a monsoon so heavily, though that later changes. To begin with disadvantages, within isolation, the Chinese may have trouble communicating with outsiders which could result in a downfall if they need resources and have no one to turn; which leads us to the issue of trade. With an isolated community, the Chinese had to depend solely on their people for supplies along with work; which may inhibit their abilities of producing food, technology, etc.