The Nations in it
First of all, the triple alliance was an alliance made up of Austria Hungary, Germany, and Italy, but this was a defensive pact. So when Austria Hungary caused world war 1, Italy didn't join because Austria Hungary was acting like the aggressor, and later on Italy joined the allies against Germany and it's allies, so that's one of the weaknesses. This then left Germany and Austria-Hungary together, but the thing though was that Austria-Hungary was a super multiethnic empire and had too many revolts and uprisings, so this only left Germany, which was the only empire who performed well in the war, and that's another weakness.
The Indus River of course provided for a direct source of water in the region, which helped sustain life, but it also provided for wide-spread irrigation of the surrounding land, which made for very fertile soil and healthy crop growth. Another benefit to this region was the temperate climate.
Correct answer is D. All of the above.
Cabot Lodge was highly supportive when it comes to American imperialist policy at the end of 10th and beginning of 20th Century. He said that it was even a morale obligation of US to participate in the intervention in Cuba. He was among the first to called for annexation of Philippines and he also believed that navy should be reconstructed.
Missionaries who spread the Christian faith in the first century were called "Apostles", although of course they were also Christians, but this was not they're designated title.
The Magna Carta (“Great Charter”) is a document guaranteeing English political liberties that was drafted at Runnymede, a meadow by the River Thames, and signed by King John on June 15, 1215, under pressure from his rebellious barons. The Magna Carta was a document signed by King John in 1215. This document made kings subject to law, and stated that people could not be deprived of their lives, liberty or property, unless judged by others (law). This document influenced the US Constitution by having an effect on the 10 Amendments.