Supporting details are reasons, examples, facts, steps, or other kinds of evidence that explain the main idea. Major details explain and develop the main idea.
I might use translation software instead of paying some person to translate for me because that person could easily be telling me false information and I can just believe what they say, or they could not really be listening at all and just give me random things.
Advantages of using a human interpreter: You get the chance to learn a new language on your own from someone else.
Advantages of using translation software: The software is always right, is full of all words in each language, and is always on mobile devices so it can be used anywhere, anytime.
<h3>All the three elements which are talking animals, goldfish and rule of three include in the story.</h3>
In Etgar Keret's "What, of This Goldfish, Would you Wish?", all the three elements which are talking animals, goldfish and rule of three include in the story.
The the talking animal would be the goldfish. And the rule of three would be the three wishes that Yoni asked people if they found a talking goldfish that granted three wishes.
The rule of three could also be implied to Sergei who was actually granted three wishes by the magic goldfish.