<span>The word for an array of nonaligned or friendly states that cushion or protect a larger country from invasion, as happened with the former soviet union and its eastern european neighbors is the buffer zone. It is created to specific areas that needs to be protected such as restrictions on the use of resources of that area and the country do its best to create measures to improve the conservation value of that area.</span>
On November 14, 1914, in Constantinople, capital of the Ottoman Empire, the religious leader Sheikh-ul-Islam declares an Islamic holy war on behalf of the Ottoman government, urging his Muslim followers to take up arms against Britain, France, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro in World War I.
Jamestown, Virginia
In 1607, 104 English men and boys arrived in North America to start a settlement. On May 13 they picked Jamestown, Virginia for their settlement, which was named after their King, James I. The settlement became the first permanent English settlement in North America.
I hope it's help
The weather affected the building of the Panama Canal quite negatively because the hot, humid weather made the work exhausting. The workers had to take long pauses until it was suitable for them to work again, because it was scorching hot in Panama so that no work could be done. This greatly slowed the process of building the Panama Canal because the workers didn't have the required conditions under which to work properly.