Scribes were one level below priests in the social pyramid and were well payed and respected.
Okay, this just goes back to the civil war. one difference between the northern and southern was the idea of slavery.
One obvious similarity between both the Northeast and the Southeast is the Atlantic ports for international trade. Both areas contain parts of the Appalachian Trail. Both areas have mountains. They each have their own mannerisms and cultures. Interstate 95 traverses both the Northeast and the Southeast. Both do farming but in different quantities. Both have severe weather patterns with the Northeast being hit by both hurricanes and storms called Nor'easters. The Southeast it often hit by hurricanes. Winter storms are hardly Both suffered great losses from the Civil War and are very proud of their military heritage.
The plagues are: water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children.
concentration camps are where Jews were imprisoned by the Nazis located in Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe; three different kinds of camps are : transit, labor, and extermination