The British partitioned Bengal so that the province of Bengal can be easily and more safely governed compared to the large province being governed as a single province.
At the time of the partition, Bengal was the largest province of the Indian states under the Britishers. The Lieutenant Governor Lord Curzon believed that it will be easier to "divide" the province and rule if the province is made into smaller provinces.
Following the policy of "divide and rule", Bengal was partitioned into two- East and West Bengal, separating the Hindus and Muslim population. Though the 'alleged' intention was to separate Bengal and not on religious grounds, the separation ended in a chasm between the Hindus and Muslims. But the main reason for the Partition of Bengal was for administrative purposes, to make the governing of the provinces easier and more accessible.
b. Because they do not receive additional compensation through company benefits, contingent IT workers usually make less that full-time employees doing equivalent work.
- contingent workers are a group of people who do not have a clear definition of long-term employment with a company. His work is mainly based on short-term engagements.
- contingent workers do not receive salaries. Instead, they receive payment or commission for the work they do. They are not responsible for benefits such as contract employees and are responsible for their own taxes.
- so answer is b. Because they do not receive additional compensation through company benefits, contingent IT workers usually make less that full-time employees doing equivalent work.
I would say C Predatory pricing. They can see customer 1 hasn't much money but will buy the boots at $10. Customer 2 has obviously more money and is willing to pay $30 .
The best answer would be B. One of the positive consequences of nuclear power plants is that it produces small amounts of air pollution. Comparing it to coal power plants, nuclear reactors has less or no production of air pollution while in operation. It is by far one of the power plants with least contribution to air pollution.
All of the above
These are all good strategies that we can follow if we are interested in becoming active perceivers of information. When you take in less information, you are able to focus more carefully on each part of the information you are receiving, as well as organize it more effectively. Moreover, when you perceive something, it is generally good to go with your first perception, as this is likely to be more accurate. Finally, you should try to trust your judgement as correct while at the same time being open to question the accuracy of your perceptions.