we seek to understand two types of equilibria, one corresponding to the short run and the other corresponding to the long run. The short run in macroeconomic analysis is a period in which wages and some other prices do not respond to changes in economic conditions. In certain markets, as economic conditions change, prices (including wages) may not adjust quickly enough to maintain equilibrium in these markets. A sticky price is a price that is slow to adjust to its equilibrium level, creating sustained periods of shortage or surplus
Answer:The correct answer is Carnegie Steel
Carnegie Steel Company was founded Andrew Carnegie and a number of his close associates. It was a steel producing company that was as a result of a consolidation of a number of plants into one company leading to a monopoly
Through interaction between traders and the locals along the trade routes.
During their trades operation, a lot of interaction happened between the traders and the local people. During those interaction, they started to learn about each other's religion, culture, scientific development in their hometown , etc.
This is where the locals learn about the religion of the traders. After the traders left, the locals will spread the knowledge about that religion to other locals and contributed to the increasing amount of followers of that religion.
Charles Darwin & Alfred Russel Wallace. A visit to the Galapagos Islands in 1835 helped Darwin formulate his ideas on natural selection. He found several species of finch adapted to different environmental niches. The finches also differed in beak shape, food source, and how food was captured. Natural selection is the mechanism suggested by Darwin for evolution. Because resources are limited in nature, organisms with heritable characteristics that favor survival and reproduction leave more offspring than their peers, causing the traits to become more common over generations.