don't know that sorry can you help me though
As a disclaimer, I can't say I'm completely confident in this answer. Use at own risk.
Year 1: 328,000 (sales) - 117,000 (expense) = 211,000 (profit)
Year 2: 565,000 (sales) - x (expense) = y (profit)
Net Profit: 211,000 + y = 113,000
211,000 (profit y1) + 565,000 (sales y2) = 776,000
776,000 - 113,000 (net profit) = -663,000 (expenses)
Net Profit: 211,000 + y = 113,000 (listed in formulas, just a reminder)
Plug in: 565,000 (y2 sales) - 663,000 (our solution) = -98,000
211,000 (y1 net) + -98,000 (our plug in) = 113,000 (2 year net profit given to us)
That is so confusing the way theyou word it sometimes is like what the...what?
1.5 minutes = 90 second
The probability density function is

so the probability of interest is