Her weight is lower on Venus because the acceleration due to gravity is lower.
For economists is important to avoid political interferance in the monetary policy. Populist governments often use the creation of money to justify their political programs, causing inflation and distortions on the market.
In the last report of FOMC is highlighted the behaviour of market labour and the lower expectations of inflation.
There are two tools commonly used in political economy to finance government programs: taxation and paper currency print. When the central bank is not independent, the government has an incentive to print money to fund their programs, causing inflation. In economic science has been demonstrated that inflation is always caused by monetary phenomena.
Who am I trying to reach?
Targeting and segmentation is the process by which a company focuses marketing activities regarding a particular product to a defined customer profile.
Certain criteria like income, age, location, culture and so on can be used as a basis for segmentation.
Basically the question that segmentation and targeting answers is - Who am I trying to reach?
In the given scenario the bicycle repair company conducted segmentation research and then targeted their direct mail coupons for a first bike tune-up to that identified customer segment.
So they answered who they want to sell to.