Answer: An NS can be turned into CS by using it with a UCS during the process of conditioning. We can tell that the NS is now a CS by determining whether the UCR is triggered by CS or not.
Explanation: Once a neutral stimulus is used with a conditioned stimulus, the subject treats both the stimulus as one in later instances. For example, during the course of conditioning, if a bell (neutral stimulus) is used with a piece of meat (unconditioned stimulus), the subject (in this case, a god) relates the both with each other and treats it as one.
- One from natural encounters
The kind of construction project displayed here would be from 'natural encounters' as it involves a structure similar to the natural establishment. This is clearly revealed through the descriptions like 'Dimtri's crawl over the area consisting of large blocks with a structure of three-sided compounds along with boards in place of the proper roof and it seeming like he was returning yo his den' Thus, it shows that the area is designed by keeping the ancient cave-like structure in mind.
There are various steps that can be taken to determine if a piece of news is fake or not. For starters, check if the news outlet reporting this piece of news is a reputable outlet such as CNN or Wall Street Journal. Next would be identifying and researching the author of the news article. Check to see if the author has good credibility and reports only facts. The last big step that can be taken is to compare that piece of news with other news outlets to see if they have covered that same story. News spreads fast and if it is real and important it will be covered by many news outlets at the same time.