Federal District Court
The first case would likely start in the Federal District Court and could be appealed to the State Supreme Court and United States Supreme Court. As seen in <em>Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. </em>the school district which suspended a girl for vulgar speech off school grounds started their case in the federal court of Middle District of Pennsylvania and eventually appealed all the way to the Supreme Court.
Edit: <em>Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. </em>did not appeal to the State Supreme Court likely because the First Amendment is a federal law and not state law.
legal system would be very subjective depending on who committed the crime, who was the victim, where it was, etc. It would be very localized and unfair.
This statement correctly identifies a characteristic of the <em>nolo contendere</em> plea. This is a legal term that expresses the desire to not contend. Therefore, this is also known as a plea of no contest. This is considered a plea in which the defendant neither admits nor disputes a charge. This may lead to a determination of guilt, but it is inadmissible in later civil cases against the defendant based on the same conduct amounting to the criminal violation.